Celebrating a Life Well-Loved
Kathryn Diana Carlson
8/20/68 – 6/11/2021
First, a message from Kate:
“My reason for accepting this challenge is to give my many thanks to all the people who helped me in my life. I have been blessed with kindness beyond compare. And love more than most people know. This is a time to remember loved ones and to think positive thoughts for the future of humanity. I wish everyone could be as happy as I am at this moment.”
All my love, Kate.
To honor her we’ve invited the people who love Kate to remember her…
Many thanks to all of her friends and family who took the time to share.
For over twenty years, whenever I tried to describe Kate to someone, I would always say…
She has the tenderest heart of anyone I know. And she always wears it on her sleeve.
I don’t think I know anyone who loved more and was more loved.
I love you, Sis,
Bonnie Neill Habit
A Gentle and kind being who always looked out for the well-being of others. She was always striving to see the positive in everyone and everything. Such a great sense of humor, witty and quirky. Her love and care of animals, big and small, was immense. She had so much love to share.
Miss you girlfriend,
Bev Kievit
For someone who tread very lightly on the earth, I was amazed at the profound impact she had on anyone she encountered. Why? I believe it was because she could recognize the light in everyone and instantly connect through a kind gesture or providing just the right word the other needed. She truly lived for others, served every creature in need, and was loved by all.
Her brother James and sister Jenny
Dear Aunt Kate. I just want you to know my love and peace towards you. I have always admired you. You are light itself and you always know how to make someone’s day. I love you with all my heart. May you fly high my angel.
Dearly yours,
In the face of adversity, Kate modeled acceptance and detachment from anxious emotions.
Those proper principles, as well as her attentiveness and gentle manner, gave her the ability to cling to the possibility of a positive outcome.
I feel honored to have been asked to partner with her in her journey, as both her spirit and her illness became my teacher.
We discussed many issues related to the continuum of life, especially that being “alive” required us to have a relationship with the experience of letting go – letting go of the things we love.
When the reverberance of “letting go” subsides, I am positive “Angel Kate” will come to restore us and the animal kingdom to balance.
Dr. Patti Green
What comes to mind when I think of Kate Carlson: So many things and where do you start? My first thought was you can pick your friends but not your family but that is not totally true with Kate. Kate started as a friend and then became family and not family because she married a relative or got adopted by us, well she kinda did, but that’s another story for another day. One of the things I love about Kate is her love for all, animals, nature, people, and everything in between. She was not just about verbalizing it, she lived it. She is definitely a lead-by-example kind of person.
Bev and I are some of the lucky people who really got to know Kate through and through. That expanded over time as she got to meet some of our friends and they became friends of hers as well. It’s funny how people will talk about each other and sometimes not in a positive light. Anyone who has come in contact with Kate has been left with something positive. I have never heard anyone say anything negative about her when her name came up in a conversation. I even think some of my friends ended up liking her more than then they liked me.
I’ve always been a bit of a skeptic on the metaphysical side and have to share something that happened to me regarding Kate and channeling. The 3 amigo’s Bev, Bon and Kate feed off the energy of each other especially when it came to the non-physical. I remember a time when Kate was channeling at my house and I was like OK – if this is real – let my stepfather come through and I’ll believe you. Of course, I never told Kate I was skeptical to begin with. Sure enough, Kate brings up this guy on the other side coming through and she mentions his tattoo and personality and it was him. I was like SOB. I think she knew I was skeptical but she never let me know it but I could tell from the smirk on her face.
I am looking forward to seeing what Kate will do next. I have a list of hers on what to do in Seattle. We’ve talked several times about making the trek across the country and doing the sites. We even talked about seeing a Seahawks football game. I might just have to draft Russell Wilson (Quarterback of the Seahawks) on my fantasy football team next year. Anyway, I came across a list of Seattle to-dos and want to thank Kate for taking the wheel and getting the prep work done. We’ll check those to do’s off as we go along. Except for the Cinnamon Works Bakery – vegan options – I’m not going Vegan while I am there.
I want to thank Kate for being. Not for anything she is doing, but just for being and existing and sharing her beautiful self with all of us. I am appreciative of Kate being Kate and all of her kateisms (yep just made that up). There are truly few people who have touched me in my life like Kate.
Thank you Kate for paying it forward and making such an impression on many of us two-legged and four-legged creatures.
Love for Eternity!!!!
Norm Kievit – Trust me the tears running down my face
are real and big boys do cry!!
My Dear Kate,
As you drift among the angels watching over us, I truly miss your presence here… your caring love that you shared so freely.
Mark and I will always be grateful for your love, support and guidance throughout our time together. I admired that even in your downtimes you still were so caring for others. You were an Angel on earth.
When I look for you…I will look behind rainbows.
Things I learned from Kate
- You are stronger than you think. Even though you might doubt it, you will get through hard, good and everyday moments with grace, wisdom and courage.
- Your voice matters! Yes, your voice. Don’t silence it out of fear or worry, but know that your heart is worthy of being heard. Speak up
- Dare to dream big. Not just safe, but big. You have to put the big dream out there. There is no risk besides the risk of not trying.
- Forgive yourself and others and let stuff go. The past is in the past. Don’t let it define your tomorrow. Live in the moment.
- Change takes work but life is short. Don’t spend it wishing things were different, make it different. Be the change.
- Love with your whole heart and know that you deserve love too. Be kind and most importantly, shine
Jody Bradford
I was lucky enough to meet Kate in our younger years in the mid-1970’s. I’ll always remember how Kate was always so caring for people and animals and brought such positivity to my life throughout the years. I will miss you my dear friend Kate.
Tod M. Bradford
We were best friends at first sight..over 40 year’s Kate’s smile and laugh were infectious, she was always a welcomed sight, as her light shined bright wherever her adventurous life took her.
Arizona, California, Florida, PA… Just to name a few.
She always had great stories about the people and pets she would meet. Conversation, compassion and caring personality were Kate. Always bringing Goodwill and cheer. So many great memories, hugs, cheers, and yes, even tears. Love and strength have no boundaries, she will always have a place in my heart. You were a warrior till the very end of your time in this place. You have earned your wings my dear friend…until we meet again, I know that you’ll always be by my side, as mine and so many others personal guardian angel. Love you to the heavens and beyond my friend.
She was a great friend that loved with her whole heart and soul.
She was always able to make any situation positive.
Her voice was like a warm comforting blanket that made you feel relaxed and happy.
I was privileged to have known Kate. My heart, mind, and spirit were all changed for the good for having known her and her gifts. The counseling and insight she shared was a true gift to the world. Kate’s heart and spirit will continue to touch my life.
Dustin Quance
Kate was the kindest; most caring, compassionate being of love and light I ever had the pure joy of knowing. She was always there to lend a helping hand to all people and animals. I will deeply miss her wonderful, warm smile.
John Staley
It was always peaceful being with Kate. She had a kind spirit, was a champion for animals who needed love and no one wanted. The world was a better place with her here…the angels are rejoicing to have her with them. We will be together again. She is missed.
Pat Sjoberg
Kate was more than just a neighbor, she was a dear friend. She was such a caring, loving person – always put others’ needs before her own. I admire her positive outlook on life even through her darkest times. She always managed to make me smile even when I was feeling down.
Kate will be greatly missed.
Fly high, my beautiful friend!
When I think of Kate, I think of all things light, bright and positive. What a kind, generous and inspirational soul she is. So young to have completed her life’s mission.
I’ve stood beside her through lots of ups and downs, in both our lives. I’ve even seen her sad, frightened and downhearted on rare occasions. But each new time I saw her – just with the passage of time and her personal growth and spiritual blossoming – her Inner Light got brighter. And I can feel expanding even now.
She was soulfully determined to let her love light shine. And nothing could stop her. Not even death.
Most significantly, as a Spiritual Colaborater of both mine and my beloved, Melissa’s, Kate and her horse, “Autumn Joy” brought us together. Literally introducing us on a mound of hay.
Even to say we are Forever Thankful to dear Kate for helping us find each other… doesn’t come close to expressing our eternal gratitude.
It will be our honor and privilege henceforth to give “AJ” her forever home.
Love you, Kate. We feel your love everywhere.
Tom and Melissa Newnam
Thomas Newnam, author of “Try Softer: How to recover your natural state of happiness and clarity of purpose”
It’s so easy to love Kate.
From the moment I met her in Palm Desert, to this final year of her life, Kate has always made it easy to love her.
It comes from the light in her eyes and the friendly smile on her face. She is very patient as she listens to you. And then when she speaks, she chooses her words with a thoughtful sense of kindness, hope, and humor.
She can talk about difficult things, of struggles, of disappointments, too. She always though, cycles back to hope and the promise of light and joy coming just around the bend. Hope, goodness, light, and happiness always are part of her language in every conversation. Not just for herself, but for her friends, her family and the world.
Her sense of humor helps soften her pathway through life, a sense of humor that allows her to laugh at herself and laugh at the imperfections of human nature. Her humor keeps her eyes always on better outcomes for all of humanity.
Her strength and courage are always evident. Even when she’s faced with frightening things in her life. There is always the turn in the conversation for her, bringing her back to a promising future.
She helps others, always. She thinks of others, always. She cares for others, always. She inspires others, always. She forgives, and always moves forward to brighter days, for herself and others.
It is easy to love Kate. She makes it so easy!
Now it’s our turn to love her back and wish for her, the best on her brand-new adventure. No doubt she’ll do her best to send messages back to all of us, continuing to love us, encourage us and inspire us.
We love you, Kate! You always made it so easy to do so.”
Kathleen Jordan
Her spirit was incredible that’s why I loved her dearly.
Christine /comfort care
I had the honor of meeting Kate several years ago when she came into my office for chiropractic care. When our introductions were made, I immediately knew I liked her. She didn’t speak too much about herself, rather she joked about her friends Bonnie, Norm and Bev, who referred her into our office. Then we got on the subject of her stylish cowboy boots, her many cats, and her love for animals. She had a quick wit and after she learned that I love dumb jokes, she’d usually come to an appointment with at least one locked and loaded. As time went on I got to know her more personally and learned just how big her caring heart was. She was not selfish at all, often telling me of the people in her life whom she was helping or simply listening to so they would know that she understood and cared. She had such a strong, intuitive sense of herself and the people around her that she made it easy for us to feel her sincerity and compassion. If only for a short time, I feel privileged that I knew someone as genuine as Kate.
Sean Carey
In the few short years I knew Kate, she was a positive light whenever I saw her. She made her life about helping others, especially animals. Kate had a giving heart. When she found out she was sick, she didn’t complain, she fought to get well with positivity and goodness. There are not many people like Kate in this world and I wish I would have had much more time to know her better.
Lisa Davis
Kate was my Earth Angel. She inspired me in my holistic journey in so many different ways, she was a voice of hope and inspiration, a light and she touched me with her peace, love and wisdom. She shared her gifts lovingly and without reserve. I also secretly wished she was around all the time as she was a Godsend when she would chat with my Roscoe to help me to understand what was up with that crazy pup. She has physically left but her light is bright and lives on through the differences she has made in my life. I miss her. I will cherish our friendship, the memories and the gifts that she brought to my life and I will always love her and I hope someday she will visit with me. Fly free my friend.
Thank you for changing my life.
Louise Kemper, The Center of Balance
Our family met Kate when she became our neighbor 5 years ago. Right from the start she was very friendly and started a conversation with us. From there on we knew we were lucky to be living beside a great person! One thing we remember Kate by is her walking Katherine a couple times a day and always stopping to talk to all of the neighbors-she would even chat with the mail lady. Kate pretty much got to know everyone around our neighborhood and all were on a first-name basis. We also always knew who was parked along the side of the road coming into our development- it was Kate of course! She would stop and feed the feral cats daily and treat them like they were her own. The cats weren’t the only ones she took care of. She would throw peanuts out onto her back deck for the squirrels and always made sure her bird feeder was full. We enjoyed seeing all the different types of birds that would come to her house.
Kate would always have the best-looking flower bed in the neighborhood! She would tell us how she would buy certain flowers that would attract the butterflies. Kate would water her flowers with her hose every chance she got and wanted to not only care for hers but for ours as well. We would be sitting in our living room and all of a sudden see a stream of water coming over to our side of the house- we knew right away it was Kate. She would change her garden flag every holiday and have her flower pots lined up with the prettiest of flowers by her front door like the entrance to Heaven. Kate had a heart of gold, would do anything for anyone, cared for all of God’s creatures, and was the best neighbor anyone could ever ask for! She will be greatly missed by all the people she ever encountered.
Kristi and Jeff,
Kiley, Kera and Kenzie Buser
I just don’t know what to say about an angel incarnate. Kate was such a blessing to be around. I remember the first time I interacted with her, I was her service advisor at a car dealership, I knew right from the start that “this girl is different” I admired her tenacity, her I can do it myself! Personality. We struck up a friendship right away, and when she told me that she had just moved back and was staying with friends I helped her find a job and a place to live. Over the years we remained friends and spent time together as time allowed. I remember when she told me that she got married and when she told me that it didn’t work out. When her mother passed I helped her sort things out and helped her pack. Then she moved just 5 min away from where we live! We visited from time to time until she got sick. Then not so frequently as she was scared about COVID. But each week I would take care of her trash and we would talk. What I remember most was her positive attitude! Even when I knew she was worried I still came away with such a good feeling! I saw Kate just about 2 1/2 weeks before she passed, and even she knew the end was near, she was still so positive! Kate, you are my hero and I miss you so much!
Until we meet again, all my love,
Derrill Dersch
The day I met Kate:
She opened her door, and I knew right away my life had been changed. Of course, for the better. “I am a writer, a medium, a spiritual counselor and more.” This was taken from “About Me” at the beginning of Kate’s blog. I have known Kate for almost 5 remarkable years now and I know I will continue to know her until I see her again. What she forgot to mention in that statement is she is a friend.
I have read, much like I am sure everyone reading this has read, her story on her blog. She mentions that she didn’t know where to begin or how to explain herself, how she was on a journey and hope that we would enjoy that journey with her. It’s much like our own story, we really don’t know where to begin or how to explain ourselves. However, what Kate didn’t understand is that she taught us how to begin and where we could go if we would just let ourselves believe in something and enjoy our ride. Open your mind and feel the energy.
Kate had a passion for life, for helping others and always putting everyone before herself. Anyone who had the chance to be her friend was beyond blessed. She would always encourage everyone to be excited about what they have accomplished. Maybe the results weren’t exactly what we wanted but we could work on that for the future. When I left being with her, I felt amazing, like I was a completely different, blessed, at peace, and new person.
To have the ability to help the amount of people Kate has helped is amazing! She not only helped me and my entire family cope with the loss of my son, but she also helped us understand that we will see our loved one again and that he is actually right beside us as I write this, and you read this. (Just as she is)
After my son, Byron, passed away, I started to wonder where he went. What truly happens after we pass away. She would sit down with me for hours and just listen to me and she would comfort me in a way no one else could, and in a way, I can’t explain it.
Kate has so many friends, so many people that she has made an impact on that she didn’t even realize. I am sure she realizes now, looking down at all of us. I have enjoyed the journey with her. I will continue that journey with her, as I know she is right beside me, right beside Byron, guiding me and coaching me.
Thank you, Kate, for your love, your spiritual guidance and most importantly your friendship. I will miss you, until we meet again my friend!

LeAnn DeHoff
A celebration of Kate’s life will take place on August 1st at Wyndridge Farm in Dallastown at 5:30 pm, with a reception to follow.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to:
Tom and Melissa Newnam have assumed lifetime care of Kate’s beloved Amish rescue horse AJ. She is an older special needs horse.
Any donations will be greatly appreciated for her feed and care. And can be sent to:
Tom Newnam
1300 Freysville Rd. Apt 7
York, PA 17406
John has given Kate’s cat Sam a forever home. Any donations are very welcome:
John Staley
8 Jean Lo Way
York, PA 17406
A special note of gratitude to Dr. Patti Green for who she is and all that she does. She always shows up.
And many thanks to Becky at Spastic Ghost for helping to put this blog together and send it out.